Timber Country Little League

The purpose of the Timber Country Little League Bylaws is to enhance and clarify the Little League Constitution and provide guidelines for the efficient operation of Timber Country Little League. These Bylaws are designed not to conflict with the Rules, Regulation and Policies of Little League Baseball, Inc. nor do they conflict with the adopted Little League Constitution.

The Bylaws of Timber Country Little League shall be enacted in Good Faith and in accordance with Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 65-Nonprofit Corporations and said Statutes will supersede the Little League Constitution where conflicts may exist.

Timber Country Little League is governed by Regulations listed as priority as follows:

·        Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball and Softball

·        Little League Operating Manual

·        Oregon District 7 Policy and Guidelines

·        Timber Country Little League Constitution

·        Timber Country Little League Bylaws

In this document, Local League, Timber Country Little League, and TCLL are synonymous.

Effective for 2025 and beyond: TCLL Hats, uniform shirts with matching socks and belts are provided and are to be worn for ALL TCLL games. All TCLL teams represent TCLL and are to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the values, policies and philosophy of the league.


 BOARD PROCEDURES                                                                                                       The following is a summary of the board procedures in the TCLL Constitution. Please see the TCLL Constitution for further details.

Annual Meeting – shall be held prior to September 30 for the purpose of electing the Board of Directors, receiving reports, reviewing the Constitution and Bylaws, appointing committees, and for the transaction of such business can come before the board. The membership shall receive a financial report and a membership report as prescribed in the Constitution. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given at least fourteen days in advance providing the time and location of the meeting and identifying general topics on the agenda. Notice shall be provided electronically and posted on the league’s website and social media page.

Regular Meetings – Regular monthly meetings of the Board shall be held at a time and place specified on the TCLL website at least 14 days in advance of the meeting. The president shall preside over regular board meetings and the Annual Meeting. In his/her absence a vice-president shall preside.

Special Meetings – Special meetings may be called five days in advance at the request of the President or the written request of four board members.

Agendas - Agendas for both the Annual Meeting and regular meetings are set by the President. Regular meetings will be conducted based on the following order of business:

1.     Call to Order
2.     Approval of minutes from previous meeting(s)
3.     Financial Report
4.     Communication (from District, Little League Inc, City, School District)
5.     Reports of Officers and Committees
6.     Old or unfinished business
7.     New business
8.     Adjournment

Meeting Decorum - Meetings shall be conducted in an orderly fashion with courtesy and respect for all present. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed for Annual Meetings or in circumstances where order must be restored to any meeting of the Board of Directors. Regular board meetings will generally be conducted by consensus or a show of hands to determine the vote of the majority present.

Confidentiality – When circumstances arise that for the good of the league, confidentiality must be maintained, the Board will recognize this and allow items to be kept confidential, where the law allows. If a board member, either orally or in writing through e-mail, requests information be kept confidential among board members, the issue will not be reflected in the minutes nor an e-mail forwarded beyond the limits of the board.

Conflicts of Interest – If a Board member, member’s spouse, or member’s child is the subject of any action by the Board of Directors (either disciplinary or as a candidate for any position within the league), the Board member shall excuse himself/herself from the meeting room during the discussion and abstain from the vote. The board member may return to the meeting after the vote has been decided.

Voting Privileges - Meetings are open to all regular, current members and they may exercise voting privileges.

Voting – Votes may be conducted either in person and/or electronically through e-mail. Regular, current members may attend the meeting and vote in person. If a member is not able to attend the Annual Meeting, they will be allowed to vote electronically by submitting their nominations/votes via email.

Quorum – A quorum is a 51% of the filled positions of the Board of Directors.


Resignation of a director may be oral when given to the Board or in writing per Oregon Revised Statute. It will be noted in the meeting minutes that a director resigned and the Board accepted their resignation.



The Board of Directors may, by a 51% vote, place on probation any parent that, in the Board of Directors opinion, have acted in a manner inconsistent with the policies and principles of TCLL. If the probation is violated, the Board of Directors may, by a majority vote, prohibit said parents from attending TCLL games.



Board Members, Committee Members, Coaches and Managers that are found to be involved in illegal activity on TCLL property, or with regard to the normal business operations of TCLL, will not be tolerated and the Board of Directors will impose sanctions to the fullest extent of their power.



The Treasurer shall maintain a register of all transactions on the Timber Country Little League bank account(s) held with First Federal Savings and Loan. At a minimum the President, Vice President and Treasurer shall be signatories on account(s) held by TCLL. President, Vice President and Treasurer shall not be from the same household. President, Vice President and Treasurer shall each have a debit card issued in their name(s). Only Board approved items may be purchased. Receipts must be turned in to the Treasurer within 5 days of purchase. Two signatures shall be required on all check payments made.

The TCLL bank account(s) shall transfer to new Board Members within 15 days of their assuming their new roles.  This bank account will remain open until such time as TCLL officially dissolves. If TCLL officially dissolves, bank account(s) shall be closed upon dissolution date set by Board Members. All monies left in bank account(s) shall be sent to Oregon Little League, District 7, in the form of a money order.

LITTLE LEAGUE VOLUNTEERS (application & screening process)                                                                                                                                        

Who Can Volunteer?

Anyone can apply to become a volunteer. Whatever talents or skills you have, we can use them! Across the country, volunteers are grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, retirees, community leaders, former Little Leaguers, friends, neighbors, and more. Any community member who wishes to become a volunteer may apply.

All parents of children involved in Little League Baseball and Softball are strongly encouraged to volunteer. As a parent, volunteer, you have the opportunity to spend quality time with your child in a safe, fun-filled environment. Oftentimes, parent and child social lives parallel each other. Volunteering allows your life and your child's life to intersect on common ground, with shared interests and goals.

Volunteers with direct contact with child participants will be required to complete volunteer application paperwork which will be back ground checked for criminal activity. Timber Country Little League uses a variety of search vendors including JDP Sexual Offender Registry and Oregon Judicial Department [OJIN].

On rare occasions, Little League, through District Administrators and your local Board of Directors, may deny individuals the privilege of volunteering for reasons, past or present, that may be detrimental to the positive development of young people, other volunteers, and/or Little League International. When you apply to become a volunteer, you give the local Little League organization the right to conduct necessary background checks.

A copy of the volunteer application can be located above.

What Can I Volunteer To Do?

No experience is required to become a volunteer. Most of the volunteer opportunities require little or no training. Your local league will provide you with any necessary training (as well as support and encouragement), as they deem necessary. The best volunteers are those who are able to bring added enjoyment to the game simply be being themselves. What you see during Little League games is a mere fraction of what you can do as a volunteer. You can volunteer to help in virtually any aspect of Little League Baseball or Softball.

Important Notice on Background Checks for Little Leagues

Little League International has contracted with JDP to provide local leagues with a special Internet site that allows members to search a criminal records database of more than 200 million criminal records - instantly. This site provides searches of available criminal records from various repository sources and state level Sex Offender Registries across the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Though Little League International requires members to search a minimum of the Department of Justice National Sex Offender Registry, this special Internet site includes state level Sex Offender search for all 50 states including the District of Columbia and may uncover violent criminals who could pose potential danger to players and associates.

Therefore, Little League International encourages the use of this service offered by JDP. In order to assist local leagues, Little League International has teamed up with JDP to provide each chartered U.S. league with 125 free searches. Also, any additional searches above 125 that may be necessary for each league will be available at a reduced cost of only $1 per search. Effective in 2007, the local league must conduct a nationwide search that contains the applicable government sex offender registry data. A check conducted only in one state no longer meets the minimum requirements of the regulations.

For more information go to: https://www.littleleague.org/player-safety/child-protection-program/local-league-background-check-information/

As a condition of service to the league, all managers, coaches, Board of Directors, members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular services to the league and/or have repetitive access to or contact with players or teams, must ANNUALLY complete and submit an official “little league volunteer application” to the local league president. Annual background screenings must be completed prior to the applicant assuming his/her duties for the current season.

Refusal to annually submit a fully completed “Little League Volunteer Application”, must result in the immediate dismissal of the individual from the local league.

Volunteer Opportunities

Listed below are some common volunteer opportunities with local leagues. These are general descriptions and can often have more than one person contributing in its capacity. In addition, other positions may need to be created as needs become apparent. Please consult with your local league president on how to best use your talents and skills to help provide your kids the best Little League experience possible.

Being a Team Manager or Coach

Being a manager or coach requires time, patience, and basic knowledge of the game of baseball. You may be required to attend meetings, instructional sessions, or seminars. You will communicate with the parents/guardians of your players to inform them of any schedule changes, rainouts, and Little League events and activities.

As a manager or coach, you have more interaction with young people than anyone

else in Little League. Therefore, it is important that you understand the goals and

virtues of the Little League program in order to effectively communicate them to your players. To gain a better understanding of what those goals and virtues are, visit Little League's homepage (www.littleleague.org) or speak with your league's president.

Helping with Field Maintenance

Timber Country Little League is responsible for maintaining the fields used for play. Periodic work parties are required to get our facilities into playing condition. It is the responsibility of every team to get the maximum volunteer help to complete all assignments. The Board of Directors will schedule the initial fieldwork parties as part of the yearly calendar of events. Each Manager / Coach will work with the Vice President(s) & Field Maintenance Coordinator(s) to schedule additional field work parties as needed. There shall be no practice or practice games on the normal League work party day(s). As a part of the field maintenance crew, parent volunteers may be asked to mow grass, line fields, rake dirt, and execute minor repairs on fences, benches and bleachers.

Helping at Registration

Volunteers may be needed to make and distribute posters and flyers advertising the beginning of registration. You can pass these out to local schools and youth organizations, and distribute them throughout neighborhoods. Announcements can be placed in local newspapers and on local radio stations. The website should have the link to online registration as well as the time, date and location of local registration, and they should inform parents of any specific documents that will be needed.

Volunteers are also needed at the time of registration. You will be responsible for organizing lines, handing out forms, answering questions, making sure that forms are filled out completely and correctly, and collecting participation fees. Note: As stated in the Little League official rulebook, at no time should payment of any fee be a prerequisite for participation in any level of the Little League program. It is recommended that parents who are unable to pay a participation fee be encouraged to contribute volunteer time to the league.

Being an Umpire

Aside from calling ball or strike, safe or out, umpires are responsible for teaching players good sportsmanship and the rules of the game. Umpires are also called upon to interpret rules and help settle minor disputes that may occur during games. Most Little League games have one home plate umpire and a minimum of one field umpire. Before becoming a home plate umpire you may be required to participate in training sessions and seminars.

While home plate umpires are scheduled well in advance, field umpires are often determined minutes before the game begins. As you arrive at your child's game, your coach or the home plate umpire may ask you to be the field umpire. When you agree, your main responsibilities are to call plays on the bases, determine if balls are fair or foul, and assist the home plate umpire with other calls.

Selling Concessions

Based upon volunteer availability, TCLL may choose to run concessions at some games.

Team Parent Duties & Responsibilities

Each Manager of his/her team needs to appoint a Team Parent for the season by asking for a volunteer at their Team Meeting prior to the start of practices. The Team Parent will be an assistant to the Manager/Coaches for various tasks to include, but not limited to such things as coordinating a game snack schedule, planning season-end team party, distributing and collecting any necessary paperwork (i.e. picture forms, etc.), possible fundraising items, help email or call parents on the team to notify of last minute game or practice changes if necessary. Team Parents will help make sure any necessary information is passed along to the rest of the parents on the team so everyone is well informed so the season is a positive experience for all involved on the team.

Parent Duties & Responsibilities

Every team needs a “field parent” appointed to ease the load of pregame duties prior to a game. Duties of a field parent include:

Sponsorship Banner – Put up and take down the sponsorship banners for every game.

Home Team – Responsible for setting up the field. These duties will be completed at least 30 minutes prior to game time.

-   Rake the infield (rake base path side to side)

-   Assist with lining the field

-   Placing bases in their spot

-   Place trash can at the field with plastic liner provided by Equipment Manager

Visiting Team – Responsible for post-game field duties. These duties will be completed prior to leaving the field.

-   Place bases in storage box

-   Rake the infield (fill holes at batter’s box and pitcher’s mound)

-   Empty trash can

-   Return trash can and rakes to storage building

-   Lock the storage area



Online player registration is conducted in January and into late February. TCLL will email notices of upcoming registration dates to all league members who have registered the year prior. TCLL also posts notice of on-line registration via Facebook and its webpage (Link to page here). All forms will be available on the TCLL website for you to print off and fill out prior to coming to a registration day. There will also be the option to submit the registration forms online. Player verification is the final registration step. Verification is an in-person process. All players must meet league rules involving age, boundary residence, etc.

The following forms must be turned in as well as the following documents shown to complete the registration process:

1.               Player Registration Form
2.               Player Medical Release Form
3.               Original “Raised Seal” Birth Certificate (to be shown)
4.               Three (3) proofs of residence (i.e. parents driver’s license, utility bill, car registration, etc.)

NOTES: Your player will NOT be allowed to practice until a signed “Player Medical Release Form” is in the possession of his/her Manager.

TCLL retains the right to increase registration fees after the designated registration time. This "late registration" usually occurs after February.


Players are entitled to a refund if they drop out prior to tryouts. If dropped prior to team assignment, a full refund shall be issued for the amount paid for registration. No refunds will be given if they drop out after the tryout dates.



Application Process:

1.               The TCLL will email out a notice to all league members from the prior year advertising registration dates for the upcoming season. Included in the notice will be an invitation for those parents interested in managing or coaching a team to submit a complete application to the league.
2.               A complete application includes: Manager/Coach Application, Volunteer Application Form along with copy of Drivers License.
3.               All Application forms will be maintained on the TCLL website as well as hard copies will be available during registration to fill   out as well.
4.               In addition to the application, parents will be given the opportunity to express their interest in managing/coaching during the   registration process of their player within the volunteer section of the registration form.

Selection Process:

1.               All prospective managers and coaches will be required to attend a managing/coaching meeting prior to the start of the     season.
2.               Upon approval by the Board of Directors and the League President and a favorable background check completed, the     Directors will notify the prospective managers/coaches that they have been approved. They will also advise them that their   assignment to a team will be dependent on final registration numbers.
3.               Managers/Coaches will be assigned teams based on the order in which the Board approved them to manage/coach.

Managers/Coaches Expectations:

All players, managers, coaches, umpires, and league officials are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, as well as the Constitution and Bylaws of Timber Country Little League. Any player, manager, coach, umpire or league official who is involved in any verbal or physical altercation, incident of unsportsmanlike conduct at a game/practice site or league sponsored activity, is subject to disciplinary action by TCLL Board of Directors.

All players, managers, coaches and spectators are expected to follow the code of conduct as established and signed prior to the beginning of the season. Managers, Coaches and Umpires must have a working knowledge of the Little League Rule Book for the current season, as well as the local division rules of the TCLL.

Managers/Coaches Responsibilities:

1.               Attend all mandatory TCLL meetings and functions as required by the Board of Directors.
2.               Handle all administrative requirements of his/her team.
3.               Attend TCLL sanctioned clinics on coaching, safety, etc.
4.               Be responsible for their team’s league equipment and facilities.
5.               Strive to teach our children the proper way to play the game.
6.               Stress fair play, sportsmanship and respect for ALL league participants.
7.               Be available for schedules practices and games.
8.               Hold a mandatory preseason team meeting where team expectations, proper conduct, schedules and any questions can be   adequately addressed.
9.               Managers and Coaches are expected to read, understand and comply with the current Bylaws.
10.           Managers and Coaches are expected to read the distributed current Little League Rule Book.
11.           Managers and Coaches are expected to maintain and carry the pitch count current logs and scorebooks at all times.

League Presidents Right to Veto, Suspend or Terminate

The President of TCLL has the final determination as to whether a Manager/Coach will be allowed to coach regardless of the Board of Directors approval or disapproval. The TCLL President may at anytime suspend or terminate a Manager/Coach from managing/coaching at his/her discretion. The Board of Directors may at anytime suspend or terminate a Manager/Coach from managing/coaching by majority vote.

In the event that a Manager is removed from their team, abandons their team or in any way is unable to fulfill the commitment of managing, the league will replace the manager with a current coach from the team. If that is not applicable, the Board of Directors will attempt to locate another manager and fill the position.



For the purpose of this Age Requirements Section all ages are Little League age. Little League age may differ from the player’s actual age. Little League age is determined by the age the player will be as of September 30 of the playing year.

Tee Ball

Ages 4, 5 & 6 may play Tee Ball.

Restrictions: After 1 year of tee ball, players who are age 6 will advance to higher divisions of play. Age 7 may play if first year.

Double-A (Coach Pitch) Baseball

Ages 7, 8 & 9 may play in AA.

6 year olds may play with Player Agent approval

Double-A (Coach Pitch) Softball

Ages 7-9 may play in AA.

Triple-A (Minors) Baseball

Ages 8, 9, 10 & 11 may play in AAA.

Restrictions: No player age 12 will play in the Minors unless the player’s parents, approved by 2/3 of the Board of Directors and the District Administrator, request it. Further restrictions on a 12 year old playing in minors can be found in the Little League Rule book.

Triple-A (Minors) Softball

Ages 8-11 may play in AAA.

Restrictions: No player age 12 will play in the Minors unless the player’s parents, approved by 2/3 of the Board of Directors and the District Administrator, request it. Further restrictions on a 12 year old playing in minors can be found in the Little League Rule book.

Majors Baseball and Softball

Ages 9, 10, 11 and 12 may play in Majors.

Restrictions: All players who are league age 12 must be drafted to a Majors Division team or to a Junior League team. Exceptions can only be made with written approval from the District Administrator, and only if approved at the local league level by the Board of Directors and the parents of the player.

50/70 Baseball

Ages 11, 12 & 13 may play in 50/70.

Restrictions: 11 & 12 year olds who wish to try out specifically for the 50/70 team can. Undrafted players will return to the majors team they played for in the previous season. If the undrafted player did not play majors in the previous season, they will return to the draft.


Ages 12, 13, 14 & 15 may play in Juniors.



Tryouts focus on a player’s fundamentals – hitting, fielding, throwing and catching. Managers need to focus on evaluating the techniques exhibited by a player, so don’t worry if they drop a ball or swing and miss. Managers should be looking for players who really want to play ball and by hustling you’re showing them you’re really interested.

Players should get signed in and given a number to pin on. This number is how the Managers will keep track of who the player is.

Warming up

All players will be given a chance to warm up playing catch.

Fielding Drill

When trying out, players should go to shortstop and have about 5 ground balls hit to them. They should be able to field them and throw to 1st base. (Remember, Managers and Coaches are watching for defensive positioning and throwing motion during this drill.)

Fly Ball Drill

Each player should have about 3 or 4 fly balls hit or thrown to them. All players should try to catch them. (Managers and Coaches should be looking at how the players prepare for the catch more than whether you actually catch the ball, but both are important.)

Batting Drill

Players should be given about 10 pitches to hit. (Managers and Coaches should be more interested in seeing how well the players swing, rather than if each ball is hit.)

Running Drill

After the player’s last swing they will run around the bases. Players should run hard around the bases, and run all the way through home base.

Note: Due to inclement weather conditions on a scheduled tryout date, tryouts may need to be held in a gym. Therefore, the above tryout format will need to be modified due to space confinements.



Majors Division

League age 9-12 year olds, will be the first division to draft. Majors does not redraft each year. The player will stay on the same team throughout their eligibility in the majors division. Ideally, managers must have been selected prior to the tryouts. In the event that a manager has not been chosen for a team, league officials will "ghost draft" a team based on tryout evaluation scores. The draft will take place within 48 hours after the last tryout so notification can start to take place with the players.


Draft Format:

Draft order is determined by a random drawing of the manager’s names from a hat. The draft is formatted as a “Grouped Snake” draft which picks in order and at the conclusion of the first round, the draft then “snakes” its way back up to the team with the number one pick (1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1).

Manager and Coach Options:

Each team may “lock” one Manager’s and one Coach’s option, as long as these players are their respective children or family member. These options are placed in their respective draft rounds prior to the draft and count as that team’s selection for that round. The draft round will be determined by the tryout score by the combined coaches along with the Players Agent score. The Players Agent has the final determination unless vetoed to the President.

Sibling Option:

If both siblings are drafted to the same team, they are drafted back-to-back. Siblings are to be drafted on the same team unless requested otherwise by the parents.

Draft Order:

1)   Players of league age 12

2)   Remaining players league age 11, 10, and 9 (in any order).

AAA Division

League age 8-11 year olds, will draft after Majors Division. AAA redrafts each year. AAA will follow the same format of the Majors Division.

Draft Order:

1)      Players of league age 11

2)      Players of league age 10

3)      Remaining players with the league age 9, and 8 (in any order).

Juniors Division,

League age 12-15 year olds. Juniors does not redraft each year. The player will stay on the same team throughout their eligibility in the juniors division.

Draft Order:

1)    Players of league age 15, 14, 13, 12 (in any order)


Majors Division

Major teams MUST roster twelve (12) players. In the event that a Major team should lose a player, that team’s Manager shall inform the Players Agent within 48 hours of this loss. The Manager can choose any AAA player of their choice to move to majors. If the AAA player of choice is unavailable or unwilling to move up, the Majors Manager will choose another AAA player or their choice to move up.

Please Note: Any AAA player that declines to move up to the Majors Division cannot be moved up at a later time during that same season.

Please Note: Any AAA player that declines to move up to the Majors Division cannot be moved up at a later time during that same season.


If a team loses a player within the last 2 weeks of the season, it is not required to fill the spot.

AAA Division

Follows the same format as the Major Division.




All-Star applications will be handed out to all eligible interested players towards the end of regular season. The Player Agent and/or President will confirm eligibility.

Selection Committee

The all-star selection committee is the president and player agent or VP. In case of a tie, the baseball vice president is brought in to break a tie.

Team Selection Priority

The 11/12 year old team will be selected first. The selection committee determines the order of the other (10/11, 9/10, etc.). The selection committee selects in such an order to produce team(s) that have the best chance of winning in tournament play.

Player Selection

Players are selected by both the selection committee and by the team manager. The tournament manager has two weighted votes to select eligible players.

The selection committee will then complete the rest of the roster.

Tournament Manager Eligibility

Regular season managers and coaches who want to be considered for the tournament manager position must submit their names via the all-star application.

The 11/12 year-old Division: The manager and coaches shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Majors Division.

The 10/11 year-old Division: The manager and coaches shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Majors or AAA Division.

The 9/10 year-old Division: The manager and coaches shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Majors or AAA Division.

Manager/Coach Selection

The tournament manager is selected by the selection committee. Once the tournament manager is selected, he/she will select their coaches. Coaches are subject to approval by the selection committee.



-   Good sportsmanship and fair play will be exhibited at all times.
-   Dogs (belonging to TCLL spectators) are not allowed at our ball fields unless marked service dogs. Any dog showing aggressive          behavior or not under control of the handler will be asked to leave regardless.
-   An approved guardian must remain present at all times for t-ball and coach pitch divisions.
-   No horseplay is allowed in the dugout!
-   No one is allowed on top of the fences, dugout, or storage buildings.
-   For all games in all Divisions at all fields, the home team will always use the 3rd base dugout.
-   No one except eligible players in uniform, a Manager and not more than two additional coaches shall occupy the bench or dugout. A Coach or approved volunteer is required to be in the dugout at all times during the game.
-   Playing Time: All Divisions of TCLL will follow the concept of equal playing time for all players in all games. (Exceptions apply for disciplinary reasons and missed practices and/or games). This should be communicated up front to parents and players during the parent/player team meeting to avoid any issues.
-   Score keepers are not allowed in the dugout.
-   No “on deck” circle during play for t-ball and coach pitch.
-   Base coaches and the first batter are required to stay in the dugout until the Umpire calls them (after the pitcher has finished preparation pitches).
-   Limit player and spectator/parent conversations or food exchanges during the game.
-   All trash must be removed from the dugout after the game.
-   Rainouts should be made up whenever possible. The Managers of any team experiencing rainouts will notify Division Coordinators immediately. The Managers of each team are responsible for rescheduling rainouts. The home team manager will work with their Divisional Coordinator who will notify the Field Coordinator of the rescheduled game. The Home Team Manager is responsible for notifying the umpires of such schedule changes, if the umpires have other game or practice commitments for the reschedule date, the Manager will notify the division’s coordinator to find replacement umpires.
-   If a scheduled game is not going to be played due to conflicts with players or coaches, the managers are required to notify their respective coordinator and umpires (if applicable) for that game immediately, at the time of such decision, to enable another game to be played at that designated time, as needed. The managers will be responsible for reaching a mutually agreeable time to reschedule the game and notify the coordinator and umpires. The managers will be responsible for working with the respective division’s coordinator (and League Field Coordinator if needed) to reschedule the game. The Home Team Manager is responsible for notifying the umpires.

Home Run Fences

For all fields with a home run fence, any ball that goes under the fence or becomes trapped in the fence will be ruled as a “ground rule double” and the Umpire will place the runner or runners accordingly. Fair balls that go into foul territory past the home run fences will be out of play and ruled as a “ground rule double”. Players must raise both hands and not attempt to field the ball for a ground rule double to be called. The Umpire will then come out to inspect.

Backstop Overhang on Field #1

If a batted ball hits the backstop overhang it will immediately be called a dead ball, foul ball.

Injury Report Forms

Form are available at every practice and game. Even minor injuries should be reported in the event that the injury is worse than first believed. This allows for documentation for insurance purposes.


DIVISION RULES                                                                                                                         


1.     All players will bat each inning.
2.     Each inning the batting order will be shifted, so that the last batter of the first inning will not be the last batter in the second inning.
3.     No strikes, balls, or walks; every batter gets a base hit.
4.     All runners advance one base at a time. Runners do not advance on overthrows or steal. (Exception: at the end of the inning when there are no more batters, everyone on base runs home.)
5.     Tees will be used the entire season (no coach pitch).
6.     Weak hits from the tee (only going a couple of feet) are considered foul balls and can be hit again.
7.     All players are on the field for defense, including a catcher, pitcher, an extra utility infielder and outfielder positions as needed.
8.     Players must rotate positions each inning, and are not allowed to play the same position for more than two innings each game.
9.     Games are approximately one hour. Extended play time is at the discretion of the managers.

AA (Coach Pitch) Baseball- Games are one hour, 20 minutes.

1.     AA teams bat through the entire roster, regardless of whether the player is in a defensive capacity. (All players must play in the fields a minimum of 6 outs.)
2.     Three outs or five runs per inning.
3.     Make sure you have enough daylight time to complete an entire inning. (1 hour 20 minute time limit)
4.     No bunting or stealing
5.     No walking in AA baseball, but a player could strike out.
6.     Infield fly rule will not be used.
7.     A base runner cannot advance on an overthrow.
8.     Machine pitch or coach pitch.
9.     Manager/coach will umpire the game from either behind the plate (mask required) or behind the pitching mound. The manger/coach pitching the last 40 minutes of the game can also be the umpire.
10.  A batter may attempt a double if they hit a ball in the air to the outfield. If the defensive player has a play on the ball but commits an obvious error, the batter can only advance to first base. (We want to reward a batter for their accomplishment, not punish a player for making an error.)
11.  Base runners can only advance the same number of bases as the batter.
12.  Defense can have up to 10 players on the field.
13.  No uninjured player may be kept on the bench for more than 2 innings in any game unless requested by the player or the player’s parent.

AAA (Minors) Baseball- 6 innings or 2 hour time limit (whichever come first).

1.     AAA teams bat through the entire roster, regardless of whether the player is in a defensive capacity. (All players must play in the field a minimum of 6 c outs.)
2.     Three outs per inning.
3.     Infield fly rule will be used.
4.     5 run rule per inning- with the exception of the 6th inning which will be unlimited runs.
5.     10 run rule "mercy rule" after 4 innings of play.
6.     Stealing
1.     Stealing is allowed.
2.     A base runner may not leave the base until the pitched ball crosses the plate.
- If the umpire determines the base runner left too soon, the base runner will return to the base they came from.
3.     Catchers should make throws to 2nd & 3rd base on a steal. The runner will not advance on an overthrow or fielder error. The runner can take the stolen base.
7.     Pitching
1.    Pitching Rules: See LL Playing Rules Section VI – (C) & (D) option 2.
2.     A pitcher removed from the mound who threw pitches may not return to the mound in the same game to throw additional pitches.
3.    The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted in the Little League Rules Section VI – (C) and (D) option 2. Also see Coach’s Handbook for rule clarification.
4.      A player may not pitch in more than one game a day.
5.     If a catcher catches more than 3 innings, he/she cannot pitch in the same game.

Majors Baseball

1.     Pitching Rules: See LL Playing Rules Section VI – (C) and (D) option 2
2.     Continuous batting order
3.     10 run rule after 4 innings of play



All rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors will be followed by the TCLL and can be amended by a 51% vote of the filled positions of the Board of Directors. In case of the rules, regulations or procedures not covered by these Bylaws, the official Little League rules will be followed. Failure to adhere to the rules and Bylaws by TCLL players, managers, coaches, umpires, and league officials will be deemed cause for immediate Board of Directors review and action.



The Timber Country Little League Board of Directors will control a field use master schedule for each field in the league. District 7 creates the schedules for AAA Divisions and above. TCLL creates the schedules for AA Division and below.



Player provides:

·        Glove, shoes (metal spikes allowed at JR division and above), pants (no shorts in baseball, but will be allowed at the t-ball level).
·        If a player wishes to supply their own catchers gear or bat, it must meet or exceed little league requirements.
·        All male players must wear a jock strap and/or compression shorts for practice and games. Male player who plays catcher must wear a protective cup for practice and games.

League Provides:

·        First year players receive a hat, socks, belt, and jersey (Major and AAA Division can have their name on the back). Returning players receive a hat and jersey.
·        Catchers Gear
·        Bats
·        Helmets
·        Baseballs or Softballs



Upon resignation, suspension, or termination, any Board Member, Committee Member or General Member with property belonging to TCLL must return said property within 7 days. Failure to return TCLL property within 7 days following separation is detrimental to the league and will result in further action.



Upon Safety of all players is of the upmost importance and is the responsibility of all Board Members, Managers, Coaches, Umpires and Volunteers. All have the responsibility to address any and all safety concerns immediately to ensure the safety of all involved.

Concussion Awareness:

In accordance with the state of Oregon’s Senate Bill 721 (“Jenna’s Law”) effective January 1, 2014, (All sports league coaches, league governing bodies, non-school athletic teams, and referee governing bodies and referees that are affiliated with, or otherwise sponsored or organized by, a nonprofit corporation established as provided by ORS Chapter 65) Timber Country Little League will require all Board members, Mangers, Coaches, and Umpires to take the Concussion awareness course annually. Upon completion, all affected volunteers will provide a Certificate of Completion to the Board of Directors.

For each year of participation, and prior to a person under 18 years of age participating in any of our affiliated leagues, at least one parent or legal guardian must acknowledge the receipt of the guidelines and materials and must confirm the review of those guidelines and materials by either electronic confirmation at registration or via their respective team Manager who will provide each parent and player a Parent/Athlete Concussion Information sheet. Each Manager of the assigned team will have each parent and player who did not complete the electronic acknowledgement sign an acknowledgement of Concussion guidelines. One copy will be retained by the League Player Agent with their registration forms and one copy will be placed in the Managers binder. Electronic acknowledgements will be printed by the Secretary and kept in the Managers binder along with the manual copies.

All certificates of completion and signed forms of acknowledgement will be kept until the end of the fiscal year. For information on Concussions please visit the following websites www.cdc.gov/Concussion, www.safekidsoregon.org.



The policy for thunder and/or lightning will be included in the Safety Plan. The policy will give the guidelines for stopping and resuming activities. It will also have the procedures that are to be followed to provide safety for all participants if activities are stopped. This policy will be strictly adhered to.



Each team, except for Tee-Ball, is required to keep a scorebook completed by an adult outside of the field of play. It is recommended by the board that each team’s scorekeeper attend the provided scorekeeper’s clinic. The scorebook shall keep track of each game the team plays, including the game dates. Each player’s name shall be written out in full and the following information shall be recorded for each player.

·        Number of at bats
·        The number of innings played in the field
·        The number of innings the player sat out

In addition to the scorebook, each AAA, majors, and juniors team must keep a league-approved sheet with the scorebook that records the number of pitches thrown by each pitcher. Both managers must sign this form after the game.

The scorebook and pitching records shall be kept until every All-Star Team has concluded tournament play. It shall be presented to the President, Player Agent, Coaching Coordinator or Safety Officer upon request.



Umpires are an integral part of completing a successful learning experience throughout TCLL. They have the thankless task of ensuring that all playing and safety rules are enforced, while tactfully coping with difficult situations. TCLL encourages more parents to become umpires and will provide instructional booklets and clinics to gain confidence and knowledge of the game.

For the T-Ball and AA- Division- the Managers/Coaches on the field during the time of play will make any necessary umpire calls. AA Division- the Home Team will need to provide a “parent volunteer” umpire.

For the Juniors, Majors and Minors Divisions TCLL will do their absolute best to provide official umpires for all of these games. However, there are times where official umpires are not always available and “parent volunteer” umpires are asked to help out. At these levels, it is best to have 2 umpires, one behind the plate and one in the field.

If circumstances warrant, the board of directors has the right to schedule each teams set of coaches to umpire games when they are not playing. Games will be equitably distributed between all teams in the league. Each division’s coordinator will complete the schedule in conjunction with the game schedule. This applies to ALL levels of play.

TCLL has a few sets of umpire gear available for those umpiring behind the plate.

Contact the current TCLL Umpire in Chief for further information or clarification of rules.

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