The Manager has primary responsibility for the team. Which may consist of, but is not be limited to, receiving team roster, communication with the Coaching Coordinator and Parents, and receiving league gear and key(s). He/She works with the Assistant Coaches to create practice plans, game line-up and other related team needs. If applicable (Baseball and Softball Divisions Minor and Above) the Manager participates in the player draft  and therefore must be in place before player assessments in February.  In addition, the Manager is responsible for attending player assessments (Minor Division & Above), all League Coaching Meetings including Umpire Training as well as holding a mandatory team parent meeting before 1st practice. Some game umpiring may be required at the Minors Division and above and is often split between the Manager and the Assistant Coach(es). However umpire volunteers do NOT have to be specifically a Coach. We encourage parents to volunteer to help out in that area as Coaches are busy with the team duties first and foremost. 

Assistant Coaches:
The Assistant Coaches have the responsibility of supporting the Manager. Each team is typically comprised of at least one Assistant Coach. They have responsibility as interim Manager in the event the Manager is vacant for a practice or game. Duties include assisting with and executing practice plans, base coach or either dugout coach. Note at Minor and above ONLY 3 Coaches are allowed in the dugout per game. Assistant Coaches are required to attend all coach training sessions and league meetings. Some game umpiring at Minors and above will be required. 

Parent/Practice Helper:
A Parent/Practice Helper is available to assist the coaching team during practices which allows for a lower player to coach ratio and encourages more station work and less standing around for players. Parent Practice Helpers are also encouraged, but not required,  to go through umpire training. This training not only provides more knowledge to these parents, but also provides the possibility of volunteering to umpire on occasion to take some pressure off of the coaching staff. During games only the Manager, and any (2) Assistant Coaches  are allowed on the field.

Team Parent:
The team parent has primary responsibility for off field organization and parent communication, including concessions volunteer list management, team fundraising, picture coordination and other activity coordination as determined by the teams' needs. These activities could be to hand out of uniforms, planning end of season party and creating sign-up sheet for post-game snack. Prior items are all relative and dependent on each team and Manager.

Sometimes in our league we have parents or grandparents that would like to help, but prefer not to Coach. Often they will get involved with Umpiring. Many of our umpires continue to come back year to year because it's rewarding working with the kids and coaches and teaching/learning the game. Our umpires will work games from the Minors level and above . 

** Please note that all of our volunteer positions require individuals to register on site and complete a mandatory required Little League Background Check. Coaches are subject to Board Approval if background is complete and clear**

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